Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1/28/24

Year: 2024


Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies-İÇAD aims to;

a. To increase the level of academic knowledge on the use of intelligence in the fight against terrorism, intelligence and counter-intelligence,

b. To convey the new developments in the world related to these concepts to the scientific community and the public,

c. Contributing to the development of unique concepts for intelligence in Türkiye and creating a platform for academic studies on this issue,

ç. To conduct theoretical-analytical-empirical researches and studies on intelligence, intelligence history, intelligence concept, intelligence services, counterintelligence, intelligence methods and psychological operations in the fight against terrorism,

d. To produce reliable information on intelligence in Türkiye ,

e. Contributing to the literature in the field of intelligence in Türkiye , gaining a respectable place at the national and international level and being a reference journal,

f. It aims to reach quality and competence by including studies in the field of intelligence within the application of peer-reviewed academic journals.


Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies-İÇAD is a national peer reviewed academic journal published twice a year, in January and June by the Research Center for Combating Terrorism and Radicalization Association (TERAM).

İÇAD accepts the articles in the fields of intelligence in the fight against terrorism, intelligence discipline, counterintelligence, intelligence organizations, intelligence types, intelligence gathering disciplines, psychological operations, psychological operations intelligence and intelligence history. In this context, our journal is open to all studies in the field of social and human sciences. Turkish and English articles are accepted.

General Principles

- The articles submitted to the Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies-İÇAD must be original in a way that will bring a new dimension to the subject. It must not have been previously published in any media (including in other languages) or sent for simultaneous evaluation.

- No fee is charged for articles submitted to the Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies-İÇAD. In addtion no fee is paid to authors who submit articles to the Journal as well. Authors transfer copyright to the publisher (including commercial rights).

- However, previously published but updated and improved articles can also be submitted. The copyright request of such articles is received by the author from the relevant organization.

- The content of the articles submitted to the Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies-İÇAD should be in the following order: title of the study, abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, bibliography, appendices. Introduction, conclusion and bibliography titles are not numbered.

- Articles should be between 4000 and 10.000 words including the footnotes and bibliography. Book reviews are required to be between 2.500-4.000 words.

- Author’s academic title, position, institutional e-mail address and ORCID number should be stated in a footnote in the first page starting with a “ * ” 8 points font size.

- Ex: Assoc. Prof. Name SURNAME, Ankara University Department Intelligence, ankara@gmail.org, ORCID: 0XX0-00XX-3XX5-2XX8.


The ÖZET in Turkish and ABSTRACT headings should be centered on the page, all in capital letters, Times New Roman font with 11 font size (ABSTRACT / ABSTRACT i.e.). ÖZET in Turkish and ABSTRACT in English should be at the beginning of the article and must be written in maximum 200 words, Times New Roman font with 9 font size, spacing 6pt before and after, multiple line space at 1,15. Both ÖZET in Turkish and ABSTRACT in English need to cover the purpose, method, hypothesis and results of the study briefly.

Also in both versions of the articles, at least five (5) or at most seven (7) key words must be added to the abstracts, with a style of Times New Roman font with 9 font size and italic.

Page Layout

Articles should be written in Microsoft Word, should have multiple line spacing, 6pt before and after, multiple line space at 1,15, Times New Roman font, 11 font size, paper size A4, (Top 2,5 cm, bottom 2,5 cm, left and right indent 2,5 cm, gutter 0, header 2,5 cm)

Text alignment should be set as distribute text format.


Your title (in Turkish and English) should be Times New Roman 11 pt, aligned to the center of the page and written bold, all letters should be capitalized (except for conjunctions). The English title should be written before the English abstract. Just below the title, the author's name (in lowercase letters) and surname (in CAPITAL letters) should be written in bold font, aligned to the right. (Erdem TÜRK i.e.)


Without numbered to introduction, conclusion and bibliography; sections should be numbered consecutively.

Section headings;


1.1. Second Level Segment (Align Left, Bold, First Letters are Capital)

1.1.1. Third Level Segment (Align Left, Bold, Italic, First Letters are Capital) Fourth level segment (Align Left, Only the first letters are capital) Fifth level segment (Align Left, Italic, Only the first letters are capital)


Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman, 8 points, 6pt before and after, and multiple, 1.15 line spacing. Numbers 1, 2, 3 should be used for footnotes. If there is a quote or reference to a work in the footnote text, the bibliography should be cited in the same footnote.

Tables, Figures and Illustrations

Tables, figures and illustrations should be numbered (Table 1., Figure 2. ie.). Tables and figures names should be on top of the tables and figures, should be centered, in Times New Roman 10 points. Contents of the tables and figures should be Times New Roman and 9 points font size (can be used as 8 points according to the page layout). Tables, figures and illustrations should be cited.


When abbreviations are used for the first time in the text, first the clear pharase and the abbreviation should be written in parentheses. The abbreviation should be used in the following parts of the text, not the open version.

Example: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

Guideline for Citiations

- Citations should be arranged according to the latest version of the American Psychological Association (APA). The cited works should be listed in alphabetical order in the bibliography.

- References in the body of your manuscripts should be in (Author, Date) format. When directly quoting from a text, you must include a page number in the citation as well.

- If you are using more than one reference by the same author/authors, the earlier dated publications should be listed first in the bibliography. If it is published in the same year, authors need to assign letter suffixes after the year i.e.: "Kesken (1991a) makes similar claims...".

- To indicate the page number cited in the text, after the author's name and the year of the work, p. for a single page, pp. for more pages. expression should be used.

(Özgül, 1988, p. 19) or (Özgül, 1988, pp. 195–204).

- Academics (Birhan and Karmer, 1996, p.45; Tarhun, 2005a, pp.31-35; Erkin, 2001, p. 44) explain why radicalization has reached such an important level today.

- Baysal (1992) explains the main activities of the organization are to destroy the monasteries, to prevent the debt recovery of ………………… (p. 1).

- In addition to the historical perspective, in the name of legitimizing their political violence and themselves …… ………….. (Baysal, 1982, pp.19).

- According to Erkmen's study in 2004 ………………………………. (p. 14).

- If author is directly quoting from a work, then it will need to include the author, year of publication, and page number for the reference (preceded by "p."). Introduce the quotation with a signal phrase that includes the author's last name followed by the date of publication in parentheses.

- If the author is quoting more than 40 words, it is required to start the quotation on a new line, indented two tabs from the left margin, i.e. in the same place one would begin a new paragraph.

- In case of citing a periodic publication without a specific author name, the name of the publication can be used instead of author name. (Daily News, 2009 i.e).

- In case of parenthetical citation including two or more authors, it is required to order them alphabetically, separated by a semi-colon. (Erkmen, 2010; Serhat and Bural, 199-89).

- In case the source quotes or refers to another source, indirect sources should be cited as (Bural, 1994 cited in Ardıç, 2013)

- Online articles follow the same guidelines for printed articles. Citiations should include all information the online host makes available.

Guideline for Reference List

- The bibliography will be arranged in 11 pt, 6nk before and after, and 1 line spacing, and in alphabetical order of surnames.

- The bibliography should be set 1 cm from the second line.

- For detailed information about bibliography, see APA's (American Physchology Association) scientific writing criteria, Publication Manual of American Psychological Association or Journal Park Authoring Rules.

https://apastyle.apa.org/products /publication-manual-7th-edition


- In the bibliography, only the first letter of the surname of the author is capitalized, the first letter of the name will be written as in the examples given below.

- If the DOI number exists, it will be added to the last part of the reference.


Tunalı, V. (2016). Sosyal ağ analizine giriş. Nobel Yayıncılık.

Beyit, S. ve Vancı, P. (2018). Dünyada yöneticilik. (Ü. Şensoy, Çev.) İş Bankası Yayınları.

Tripathy, B.K., Sooraj, T.R. ve Mohanty, R.K. (2018). Big data techniques in social network analysis. Panda, M., Abraham, A. ve Hassanien, A.E. (Ed.). Big data analytics: A social network approach içinde. (ss.47-67). CRC Press.

Web Page

McFadden, C. (02 Temmuz 2020). A chronological history of social media. Erişim tarihi: 11 Nisan 2021. https://interestingengineering.com/a-chronological-history-of-social- media.


McIntyre, K. E. (2014). The evolution of social media from 1969 to 2013: A change in competition and a trend toward complementary, niche sites. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 3(2): 5-25.

Electronic Article

Morris, D.R. (2009). Surprise and terrorism: A conceptual framework. Journal of Strategic Studies, 32(1): 1-27. https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284316979.


Andaç, O. (1985). Meydan Larousse Ansiklopedisi içinde (c. 2, ss.125-135). Neşriyat Yayınları.

YouTube Video

MSB. (7 Mart 2021). Eğitim ve öğretim [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_5wHw6l11o


Nihat Ali Özcan, Ankara, 10 Ekim 2019, interview.

Newspaper Articles

Sedat Ergin. (23 Eylül 2020). Dışişleri Bakanı’ndan Mısır’a sıcak mesajlar var, Hürriyet.

NTV. (23 Eylül 2020). AB dışişleri bakanları Belarus yaptırımlarında anlaşamadı.

Unknown Authored Reports

The Berlin Conference on Libya Conference Conclusions, Berlin, 19 Ocak 2020.

Unpublished Papers

Ahlat, C. (2020). Uluslararası siyaset. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.

Conference Proceedings

Semih, G. ve Akçalı, U. (2011). Türkiye’de terörizm. Kantar, G. (Ed.), 1.Uluslararası Terörizmle Mücadele Kongresi bildiriler kitabı içinde (ss. 110-114). İstanbul: ASOS. doi:10.21733789654781.445


1. Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies-İÇAD is based on the principles of scientific research and publication ethics and universal rules. Honesty and morality are essential at every stage of scientific research and publication. In this context, ethical principles accepted and published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are adopted in the ethical duties and responsibilities in İÇAD Journal.

2. Articles accepted by İÇAD are sent to at least two referees and their names are kept confidential from each other.

3. No fee or compensation is requested for the articles sent to İÇAD, article submission and article evaluation processes are free of charge, and no royalties are paid to the authors.

4. The articles accepted after the referee processes are put in the queue for the first issue to be published, and if the publication quota of the relevant issue is full, they are reserved for the next issue.

5. İÇAD will be published on January and June.

6. The pre-control and referee assignment period of the articles are 10 days on average. After the referee process starts, the referees have a 10-day invitation period and a 30-day evaluation period.

7. The correction period given to the authors is 15 days. Articles that are not corrected within this period will not be accepted. This period can be extended up to 10 days if approved by the editor.


Scientific research ethical principles are the moral rules regarding the research to be conducted. These rules accepted by İÇAD are listed below.

1. Obtaining data: Data are obtained by scientific methods. In the evaluation, interpretation and obtaining of theoretical results, scientific methods cannot be deviated and the results cannot be deflected.

2. Openness: The data, materials, sources and findings used in research should be openly shared with the public.

3. Consent of the participants: The consent of the participants is obtained in the surveys and attitude researches to be conducted within the scope of the researches. If the research is to be conducted in an institution, the permission of the institution they are affiliated with is obtained after the consent of the participants.

4. Integrity and truthfulness: Research findings should not be tailored to the researcher's own interests, taken from elsewhere, or deliberately misinterpreted. It should report the results, methods and procedures accurately and should not mislead the public.

5. Use of resources: The opportunities and resources allocated for scientific research cannot be used for purposes other than the intended purpose.

6. Protection of personal data: Researchers should respect the privacy and secrets of individuals and should not use personal names or hide their own identities unless permitted in their research.

7. Intellectual property: Researchers must respect patents, copyrights and other intellectual property. The researcher should not use data, methods and results without permission and should definitely give references to the contributors.

8. Confidentiality: Confidential communications, personnel records, trade and military secrets, patient records should be protected by researchers. It should be ensured that the data and information obtained from other persons and institutions and that their confidentiality is respected and protected.

9. Objectivity: Biased experimental design, data analysis and interpretations should be avoided in the researches.

10. Integrity and consistency: Integrity and consistency should be ensured in the researches.

11. Meticulousness: Careless errors in researches should be avoided by re-examining the researches.

12. Social responsibility: Subjects that may cause social problems and social outrage should be avoided in researches.

13. Discrimination: Researches should not discriminate people using gender, race, origin and other factors.

14. Taking care of animals: The animals used during the researches should be given the necessary attention and respect. Poorly designed and unnecessary animal experiments should not be done.

15. Protecting people: Risk and harm should be minimized in researches on humanitarian issues, and human dignity, privacy.

16. Actions against research ethics are as follows:

a) Plagiarism: To present the original ideas, methods, data or works of others as one's own work, in whole or in part, without citing in accordance with scientific rules,

b) Fraud: Using non-existent or falsified data in scientific research,

c) Distortion: Falsifying research records or obtained data, presenting devices or materials not used in the research as if they were used, falsifying or shaping research results in line with the interests of institutions,

d) Republishing: Presenting duplicate publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,

e) Slicing: Dissecting the results of a research in a way that violates the integrity of the research and inappropriately and publishing it in more than one piece and presenting these publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,

f) Unfair authorship: Persons who do not have an active contribution to include among the authors or not to include those who are, to change the order of authors without justification and inappropriately, to remove the names of those who contributed actively from the work in subsequent editions, to include their name among the authors by using their influence, although they do not have an active contribution,

g) Not specifying the supporting persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions in the publications made as a result of the research carried out with support,

h) Using the thesis or studies that have not yet been presented or defended and accepted as a source without the permission of the owner,

i) Failure to comply with ethical rules in research on humans and animals, not respecting the rights of patients in their publications,

j) To violate the provisions of the relevant legislation in biomedical researches and other clinical researches on humans,

k) To misuse the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research,

l) To allege unfounded, groundless and deliberate ethical violations,

m) Publishing the data obtained without obtaining the explicit consent of the participants in surveys and attitude studies conducted within the scope of a scientific study, or if the research will be conducted in an institution, without obtaining the permission of the institution,

n) Harming animal health and ecological balance in research and experiments,

o) Failing to obtain written permissions from authorized units before starting studies in research and experiments,

p) To carry out studies in research and experiments contrary to the provisions of the legislation or the international conventions to which Türkiye is a party, on the relevant research and experiments,

q) Not to use the data and information obtained from other persons and institutions in scientific studies, to the extent and in the manner permitted, not to comply with the confidentiality of this information and not to ensure its protection,

r) To make false or misleading statements regarding scientific research and publications in academic appointments and promotions.

(Source: https://www.yok.gov.tr/Sayfalar/Kurumsal/mevzuat/bilimsel-arastirma-ve-etik-yonetmeligi.aspx)


1. Editor; evaluates and monitors the submitted articles only according to the quality of the study and referee comments, regardless of the characteristics of the authors such as religion, language, race, ethnicity, political thought and gender.

2. The editor may reject the article if he/she detects some ethical violations.

3. The editor keeps all information about the studies submitted to the journal confidential and does not share this information with anyone other than the responsible author and the editorial board.

4. The editor ensures that the referee evaluation process is carried out with double-blind refereeing.

5. The editor cannot use the information presented in the article for his own research.

6. The editor has full responsibility to reject, accept or request changes to the articles submitted to the journal.


1. The authors declare that the articles they submitted are original and have not been published before in any platform.

2. The authors declare that the article is not currently under review in another journal.

3. Authors must be the persons who have contributed to the experimental design and implementation of the study, or to the analysis and interpretation of the data.

4. Authors should provide access to the data sets used in the article, if deemed necessary.

5. If the authors realize that there is an important mistake in their article, they must inform the editor before the article is published.


1. Authors should submit “Ethics Committee Approval” to the Journal for the articles that require ethics committee approval.

2. When submitting their manuscript to the Journal, the authors must correctly fill in, sign and send the "Declaration Form Regarding No Ethics Committee Permission Required".

3. If ethics committee permission and/or legal/special permissions are required, it should be clearly presented with the form including which institution, when and with which decision or issue number this permission was obtained.

4. Articles that require “Ethics Committee Permission” for evaluation in the journal are as follows:

a. All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment and interview techniques,

b. The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,

c. Clinical studies on humans,

d. Animal studies,

e. Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law.


1. Referees must agree to arbitrate on matters they feel have sufficient expertise.

2. The referees should agree to referee the studies they think they can evaluate as timely and adequate.

3. Referees should respect and care for the confidentiality of peer-review and should not reveal any information about the article during or after the review process of an article.

4. Referees should not use the knowledge obtained during the refereeing process for their own or others’ advantage.

5. Referees must notify the journal editor when they suspect plagiarism or other ethical violations.

6. Referees should not arbitrate in situations where there may be a conflict of interest.

7. Referees should be objective and constructive in their evaluation process and should not make personal comments.


1. Articles submitted to Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies - İÇAD must be original and not previously published in any media or sent for simultaneous evaluation to the other journals.

2. All articles and studies submitted to the journal are reviewed using a licensed plagiarism program. According to the report received from these programs, articles and studies with a similarity rate above 10%, excluding references, are rejected without entering the referee process.

3. All publication and distribution rights of the articles submitted to İÇAD belong to the Research Center for Defence Against Terrorism and Radicalization Association.

4. In case of quoting from the studies published in İÇAD, it is obligatory to refer the source. The use of the entire article is subject to the permission of the journal.

5. The responsibility of the published articles belongs to the authors. The opinions in the articles cannot be attributed to the Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies – İÇAD and the Research Center for Defence Against Terrorism and Radicalization Association (TERAM).

6. Articles sent to the journal are not returned whether they are published or not.

7. Authors sign copyright and license agreement before articles are published and transfer the copyright to the Journal. Copyright licenses detail the rights to publish, distribute and use research.


1. Authors who did not contribute to the design, planning, execution and publication of scientific research cannot be listed among the names of the authors.

2. When use a study in scientific publications, the source must be indicated in accordance with scientific citation rules.

3. Theses or studies that have not yet been presented or defended cannot be used as a source without the permission of the owner.

4. Except for universally recognized scientific theories, any work or part of it may not be published without permission and without showing the original source.

No fee is charged from the author or institution under any name.